TEF Business Plan Template [Free]

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TEF Business Plan Template 

write your name here



Your email address you used to apply to the programme



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DATE:  Month/Year


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Please Note: The document sections highlighted with “Required for Pitching are the sections that we encourage you to speak mainly on when you deliver your pitch videos during the Pitching Phase.




About Your Business- Required for Pitching

Describe an overview of your business, highlighting:

         How you came up with this business idea.

         What problem you are trying to solve.

         How your business solves this problem.

When describing your problem, make sure that you quantify the significance of the problem in terms of loss (i.e., time, money, other resources) or uncaptured value (# of people or entities that need a solution to this problem) Not more than 150 words. -





Features & Functionalities- Required for Pitching

How does your business work? Describe the unique features of your business offering and how they address your identified problem. Not more than 100 words

How will you produce or provide your business offering? Tell us how you will create or develop your product. If you are offering services, describe how you will equip yourself/your team to provide these services. Not more than 50 words.


What is the average price of your product/service (in $USD and in local currency)? If you have not determined the price yet, talk about what you will consider in deciding the price of your business offering. Not more than 20 words

Profitability- Required for Pitching

How will you make profit? Tell us how many users you expect to sell to in a year. If your business earns revenue by usage instead of by user/customer, indicate the level of usage you expect. Give a summary of your cost of operations or cost price and mention what profit margins you expect to make from your business. Not more than 50 words.

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Target Audience/Customers- Required for Pitching

Describe the size of your market in currency (in dollar $), your target customer, and how many customers you anticipate will benefit from you solving the problem you have identified. Not more than 50 words. 

Marketing & Sales- Your Marketing Plan

Explain how you plan to get your product or service to your target market(s). Highlight what tactics you will use to grow your customer base, maintain relationships, and build customer loyalty. What offline and online channels will you use to create visibility for your business and tell us what distribution systems or partnerships you will utilize to get your business offering to the market Not more than 100 words.



SWOT Analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, & Threats)- Required for Pitching

Describe the strengths and opportunities for your business. Highlight the threats and weaknesses you see in your business and your plans to overcome them. 

Your analysis can include any of the following:   product, competition, political, environmental, social. technical, economic, and regulatory barriers or any relevant macroeconomic trendsNot more than 50 words



Resource Requirements- Required for Pitching

What do you need for your business right now? Describe the resources that you will need to meet your financial and business goals (i.e., equipment, additional employees, funding, etc.). Not more than 100 words.

Building a Team

Who is on your business team? Write a brief overview of you and your team, and describe what makes your team uniquely capable of leading your business to successNot more than 100 words

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Business Forecasting and Planning- Required for Pitching

Tell us what stage you are in your business. Is it still an idea, or do you have a prototype? Are you testing your markets with surveys or a pilot version of your offerings? Or have you started manufacturing / offering your services? If so, tell us how long you have been in business and what are your key business achievements till date. Not more than 150 words 

What are the next steps for your business?

Talk about the milestones you hope to accomplish over the next two years, on a quarterly basis. Note: Your milestones may be financial (e.g., attain xx million in revenue/profit. etc.), operational (e.g., expand branches, purchase new equipment, etc.), customer focused (e.g., attract xx number of new customers, gain xx new customers in xx region, etc.) or capability-building (e.g., build staff competencies to be able to execute xx, hire staff skilled in xxx, etc.) Not more than 150 words 


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