TEF Application 2023


Table of content 

  • Brief introduction
  • The TEF Application 2023 - how to apply
  • Helpful Secrets to Win the TEF Application 2023
  • Useful links

Brief Introduction

The Tony Elumelu Foundation is the leading champion of entrepreneurship in Africa. Our objective is to empower women and men across our continent, catalyzing economic growth, driving poverty eradication and ensuring job creation. 

Founded by African investor and philanthropist, Tony O. Elumelu, in 2010, our mission is implemented through our programmes, research, communities, advocacy and convenings, including the annual TEF Forum, the largest gathering of entrepreneurs in Africa, and TEFConnect, Africa’s digital hub for  entrepreneurs.

The Tony Elumelu Foundation Entrepreneurship Programme is a $100million commitment made by the Elumelu family to empower 10,000 African entrepreneurs over a 10-year period through, training, mentorship and funding. The goal is to create at least 1million jobs and contribute over $10billion in revenue to the African economy.

Since the launch of the programme on January 1, 2015, the foundation have supported over 15,847 African entrepreneurs from 54 countries across the continent, providing training, mentorship, networking opportunities, and funding to grow their businesses. These entrepreneurs are already making an impact, creating jobs, generating wealth in their own communities and countries.

The TEF Application 2023 - How To Apply 

  • first, ensure you are up to 18 and above
  • Log onto https://tefconnect.net/ or click here: You will be taken to the page below
TEF connect Homepage for 2023 Application

  • Sign up to register if you are new. else Login
Signup for TEF Application 2023
  • After registration, open your mail to verify your email address by clicking on the confirmation link
TEF Application 2023 Confirmation email page

  • After confirmation from your email inbox, you will be taken to the personal profile creation page, where you get to answer few questions about yourself, TEF wants to know you. Also, on this page you will be required to answer questions about your business - whether it is still in the startup, growth  or maturity stage. Help

Helpful Secrets to win the TEF Application 2023

  • Consistency: Ensure you are consistent with the business information you supply on your profile page and the one you will later be required to submit along the line in the program. 
  • Visiting the platform: TEF uses a whole lot of advance technology and experts in different field to analyze its applicant. One of the things that can make you scale through to the next stage is your regularity in visiting the page from which you created your account as a TEF Applicant 2023 -  tefconnect.com. During this period of your visitation to the website, connect with people you see. This is one of the mission of Toney Elumelu Entrepreneurship Foundation, connection.
  • Follow their Social media page: although this does not have so much impact, but we cannot write off the help of a 
  • The use of Business Terms: Ensure that business terms associated with your niche market are used properly both as you fill your profile form and when you submit your final business plan and also within you elevator pitch. Using business terms brings a sense of professionalism. 

Useful Links